Reserving Space
Ad reservation form: part three
Reserving Space
Get past upfront stalls and objections without any pushing
Make the account believe he really needs you
Get better information from your prosepct
Develop quick ad strategies that work the very first time
Eliminate size, frequency, content, cost and most other objections before they ever arise
Get dramatic responses for all kinds of advertisers

Never have to push an advertiser to run again

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Refer to the sample reservation form below and notice the check box marked co-op. If the ad is a co-op ad, that is, if the advertiser will be partially or fully reimbursed by a manufacturer whose item appeared in the ad, check this box. Tearsheets, which are full pages torn out of the newspaper containing the advertiser's ads as well as invoices will likely be sent to the advertiser, or the manufacturer on the advertiser's behalf, to insure proper reimbursement.

As you may recall from the chapter on the rate card, co-op is something that usually needs to be discussed with the account prior to running the ad. Generally, there is a manager at each newspaper in charge of helping you and your accounts find and use co-op most effectively. Make sure you spend some time with this person to find out how you can help save your accounts money or run bigger for less.

Box or group pages
Box or group pages are considered by many to be an effective way to strengthen an advertiser's response by grouping him with a number of other advertisers under a special theme. Sometimes also called a directory, these pages contain smaller ads that run on the page, referred to as satellite ads or some other name that lets people know they're a part of a special directory.

A group page might have four 1/4-page satellites. The parent ad, usually a full page, is reserved and holds the space in the paper. The production department then "dummies" this parent, or makes space for the ad in the newspaper as one unit instead of indicating each satellite ad separately.

So, if you're selling ads onto a group page, you would reserve the parent page first to hold the space and it may receive its own ad number. Then, when processing the satellite ads, you would include information about the parent page as well. Whatever terms you use to describe these ads, just remember not to reserve the same space twice, once by reserving the parent page and then again by reserving more space with the smaller ads that will go in the parent page.

On the sample reservation form, you may have noticed the check box to indicate whether or not your ad will contain coupons. This information is very important because at no time do we want two ads with coupons to appear in the newspaper back to back. That's because if someone cuts out to use the first coupon, the one on the back can't be used. Some advertisers refuse to pay for a coupon ad that's backed up to another. Check this box if your ad contains a coupon and whoever puts your paper together will make sure that they don't back up another coupon ad to it.

Next: Ad reservation form: part four