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Course structure
Get past upfront stalls and objections without any pushing
Make the account believe he really needs you
Get better information from your prosepct
Develop quick ad strategies that work the very first time
Eliminate size, frequency, content, cost and most other objections before they ever arise
Get dramatic responses for all kinds of advertisers

Never have to push an advertiser to run again

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Welcome to The Basics of Selling Newspaper Advertising.

If you're new to ad sales, this course will teach you exactly what the name says. We're confident it'll make the transition into your new career a smooth one.

This course contains ten lessons you can move through simply by clicking on the "next" link at the bottom of each page. While this course is designed to provide the information you need in a logical order, there are also a number of ways to navigate the chapters and pages out of sequence.

For example, click on a chapter name in the navigation bar to the left or the chapter numbers along the top of each page to go to that chapter.

Once there, you'll also see a table of contents with links to every page in that chapter. We've also added a "breadcrumb" trail at the top of each page, showing you exactly where you are in the course at any time.

This course is designed to be equally appropriate for weekly, daily, and monthly newspapers as well as for shoppers, magazines, and just about any other kind of print publication into which advertising is sold.

The vast majority of things you'll need to learn--how rate cards work, the difference between circulation and readership, how various pieces of artwork reproduce on newsprint, the different types of competitors you'll encounter and their advantages and disadvantages, how to make a layout, how your current and prospective customers will help and hinder your progress, how to make a presentation, how to overcome the excuses for not buying an ad from you--are surprisingly universal in the publishing industry.

Sure, your own forms will look a bit different, your rate structures and credit policies will vary, but these distinctions are typically minor and easily grasped by a savvy advertising consultant, which is exactly what you'll be after you complete this course.

Next: Course structure