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Here's a video from one of my Presentation Packs on conducting the             
first sales call on an RV dealer.
Every week I release a video series on how to sell a specific high-potential prospect. This one is the first of three videos on how to sell an RV dealer. These videos and associated examples, PowerPoints, and Keynotes are only for members of our Presentation Packs.

As you'll see, this approach refers to techniques from my Response Oriented Selling course, but regardless, this video should help ad reps recalibrate how they conduct a first sales call when selling print and Web advertising.

If you like this approach, join our mailing list and I'll notify you when I post something new. Don't hesitate to contact me for more information about helping your ad reps drive some serious print and online ad revenue fast.

Download our FREE 25-page e-book "The 7 Essential Elements Every Ad Sales Training Program Needs to Drive Major Revenue in 2015"

Newspapers who generate dramatic, sustained revenue increases from their ad sales training do certain things that the less successful ones don't. I've witnessed this firsthand while working with over 1,000 publications throughout the years.

They've figured out the secret to making any training program drive major revenue is to follow 7 essential steps that are both easy and powerful.

I've put together a free, 25-page e-book to share these secrets. They'll ensure your next training initiative--either your own or one you bring in--is an unprecedented success.

View and download the FREE e-book

ad sales training ebook






Newspaper Advertising Sales Training

Response Oriented Selling. Newspaper Ad Sales Training. Newspaper Advertising Sales Training. Ad Sales Training. Retail Advertising Training. Retail Advertising Sales Training. Classified Advertising Sales Training. Training for New Ad Reps. Training for Newspaper Ad Reps. Training for Newspaper Advertising Reps. Training for Newspaper Advertising Salespeople. Advertising Effectiveness Training for Newspapers. Newspaper Advertising Sales Seminars. Newspaper Association Speaker. Newspaper Association of America. International Newspaper Marketing Association. Response Training for Newspapers. On-site training for Advertising Representatives. New Ad Reps. New Advertising Salespeople. Magazine Advertising Sales. Newspapers. Magazines. Shoppers. Pennysavers. Daily. Weekly. Dailies. Weeklies. Publications. Metro Newspapers.

Leading newspaper advertising sales training firm specializing in basic and advanced training for retail and classified display advertising departments, conducted both on-site and now live over the Internet