Video: eliminating upfront stalls and objections

Bob McInnis: How to sell response

Webcast for the Independent Free Papers of America (IFPA)

on the philosophy of selling response (60 min)


This video is a webcast Bob did for the IFPA. After a brief introduction by the association director, Bob McInnis explains exactly why selling advertising is so much harder than selling just about anything else and why it doesn't need to be that way. Bob details the four roadblocks unique to selling local advertising that leaves ad reps frustrated and demoralized, kills most sales processes before they get any traction, and ensures the sales that do occur are significantly smaller than they should be.


Bob elaborates that without eliminating these roadblocks,  traditional selling techniques can fail the ad rep, actually encouraging them not to use them. Bob shows how selling response will eliminate the roadblocks and enable ad reps to breeze through the sales process, close more contracts for larger, and more frequent ads. He explains why all objections are really response related objections and how a shift in approach can lead to big rewards.

ABOUT THIS SITE  |  This site is the home of Bob McInnis' Response Oriented Selling newspaper ad sales training program. It also shares a number of insights as well as offers a basic new hires program for brand new ad reps just looking to stabilize their territory.


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